Puppet模块章节环境说明服务端 | 客户端操作系统:CentOS 6.5 x86_64 | 操作系统:CentOS 6.5 x86_64
Hostname:puppet.ewin.com | Hostname:centostest.ewin.comIP: | IP:
Puppet-Server:puppet-3.7.1 | Puppet-Agent:puppet-3.7.1作用:为客户端添加计划任务,每两小时同步系统时间1、服务端配置NTP模块(1)模块清单
1234567[root@puppet ~]# yum -y install tree[root@puppet ~]# tree /etc/puppet/modules/ntp//etc/puppet/modules/ntp/
├── files├── manifests│ └── init.pp└── templates(2)定义ntp类12345678910[root@puppet ~]# vi /etc/puppet/modules/ntp/manifests/init.pp
class ntp { cron { “ntpdate”: #系统已默认安装ntpdate,也可以定义package来确保安装ntpdate包 command => “/usr/sbin/ntpdate”,
ensure => present, user => root, hour => */2, #每两小时同步一次 minute => 0, }}说明:保持良好的代码编写习惯,注意缩进和=>对齐
(3)定义节点文件,调用模块1234[root@puppet ~]# vi /etc/puppet/manifests/centostest.ppnode “centostest.ewin.com” {
include ntp}(4)应用节点文件12[root@puppet ~]# vi /etc/puppet/manifests/site.ppimport “centostest.pp”说明:以上三个文件,一个调用一个;定义类>>定义节点(调用类)>>调用节点
2、客户端测试puppet(1)测试执行puppet123456789[root@centostest ~]# puppet agent –server puppet.ewin.com –test –noop
Info: Retrieving pluginfactsInfo: Retrieving pluginInfo: Caching catalog for centostest.ewin.comInfo: Applying configuration version 1415239491
Notice: /Stage[main]/Ntp/Cron[ntpdate]/ensure: current_value absent, should be present (noop)Notice: Class[Ntp]: Would have triggered refresh from 1 events
Notice: Stage[main]: Would have triggered refresh from 1 eventsNotice: Finished catalog run in 0.15 seconds
说明:–noop参数表示不真正执行,只是测试puppet模块应用成功与否(2)查看计划任务1234567[root@centostest ~]# crontab -e#HEADER: This file was autogenerated at Thu Nov 06 10:09:29 +0800 2014 by puppet.
# HEADER: While it can still be managed manually, it is definitely not recommended.# HEADER: Note particularly that the comments starting with Puppet Name should
# HEADER: not be deleted, as doing so could cause duplicate cron jobs.# Puppet Name: ntpdate0 */2 * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate
说明:已成功添加任务,从头部注释可以看出是由puppet添加的3、客户端测试时间同步让时间后退1分钟,2小时后查看时间是否同步,嫌长可改成每5分钟同步一次来测试1234[root@centostest ~]# date
2014年 11月 06日 星期四 10:33:08 CST[root@centostest ~]# date -s 10:32:002014年 11月 06日 星期四 10:32:00 CST结论:2小时后查看时间,与正常时间已成功同步
4、Cron计划任务资源参数说明1234567cron { ntpdate command => “/usr/sbin/ntpdate ntpserver.domain.com”, user => root,
hour => 6, #每天早上6:00同步时间 minute => 0, require => Package[ntp], #要求软件包ntp已安装}{#每分钟可表示为
minute => */1,#每2小时可表示为hour => */2,minute => 0,#晚11点到早8点间每2小时以及8点整执行同步hour => 23-7/2,8,
minute => 0,#其他参数ensure => present|absent, #基本属性present表示启用,absent表示禁用command => ,#需要执行的命令
environment => PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin, #运行的环境变量配置hour => , #第几小时,0~23minute => , #第几分钟,0~59
month => , #某月,1~12monthday => , #月中某天,1~31weekday => , #周中某天,0~7name => , #名称,一般用标题代替
user => , #指定运行的用户,默认为roottarget => , #指定用户的cron项,默认为用户的shellspecial => , #特殊的配置}